Let’s work together

If you’ve been told your labs look normal, but you’re still not feeling your best, then you may want to consider a bloodwork consultation with us! I have been trained to look for patterns and suboptimal ranges in bloodwork that lead us to the root of your symptoms. Why is this important?

Most lab ranges are based on the general population’s health status - and we are one of the most chronically ill nations to exist. As our population has become more sick, lab ranges have become more broad. When we look at healthy, asymptomatic individuals, those lab ranges tighten up immensely. THIS is what we should be striving for. Optimal ranges = optimal health.

During our consultations, we will go over your bloodwork, discuss a protocol that works for you, explore emotional healing and mental blocks, and even include a bioresonance scan to dive deeper into other energetic imbalances.

We would love to be your guide as you come back home to your whole, healthy self. If you’d like to work together, keep scrolling!

If you need updated labs, please choose from the following options and fill out the form below:

*consultation pricing not included here